Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April - Tips Of The Day

Tees In A Pod strives to provide you with many resources in helping you reach your goals with all of your online ventures. Another way we provide such support, besides our weekly podcast, is by sharing with you a "Tip Of The Day" on our Facebook Fan Page. Below, we have created a list of all the Fan Page tips we sent out as status updates for the month of April! Stay tuned... for every month a new list will be posted...

Please leave a comment and share with us any tips you have! We'll use them as a "Tip Of The Day" to share with others on our Facebook Fan Page, as well as list it here, plus we will give you credit for your awesome tip! Enjoy!!

April: Tips Of The Day!

  • "When putting a link on your Facebook Fan Page, etc. be sure to include the "http://" otherwise it will only be a dead link"
  • "Did you know? If you begin a tweet with an @reply fewer people will see what you are tweeting about (for it is being directed towards a person), then if you @mention someone in the middle of a tweet! (All your followers will see it)"

  • "Tip Of The Day Goes To All The Zazzlers Out There: Be sure to know and use the Image Guidelines provided by Zazzle when designing products they really help!"

  • " Did you know that once your Facebook Fan Page gets over 25 members you can shorten your url!! Makes the link a lot easier to remember!"
  • "When choosing a Twitter username, use a word you wish to rank high in - ex: If you want people who are searching "tshirts" to find your Twitter profile, be sure to use it in your username, like this: @ABCtshirts Keep in mind - try and keep it short and to stay away from using dashes if you can :) Happy Tweeting!"

  • "BONUS TIP Twitter Tip (For more tips on Twitter visit our blog) Add a retweet button to your website or blog to encourage others to share your work! How?

  • "Want to check who retweets your stuff with the NEW retweet button? Go to the side of your twitter page where "Home" is listed and click the link "Retweets". "
  • "Another one for the Zazzlers out there - Did you know there was such a thing
    called a Zazzle Referral Link Builder? You just add it to your
    bookmarks/favorites and it makes creating a referral link a whole lot
    easier! Another great way to make some extra money! Happy Zazzling"

  • "Want to know when your store gets mentioned online? Set up Google Alerts and get an alert sent via email of whenever you business is talked about online. Ex: create one for your business name "teesinapod" (no spaces) and google will tell you when it's been talked about in a blog, on twitter, etc. To set... it up Enjoy..."

  • SHARED TIP ALERT - "Today's Tip Of The Day Goes To Zazzlers From our awesome fan Ulla Hennig: "Visit the Forums at zazzle. I've got the impression that the atmosphere there is very helpful, and you can learn a lot from other people's experiences." Great Tip Ulla!!"
  • "Have you heard of Twellow? It is a great place for people to find you or for you to find people you're looking for. Like the Twitter Yellow Pages - check it out.."
  • "Today's Tip: Goes to all the FB Fan Page Owners - Have you checked your insights lately? It's best to check them on a regular basis to see your page's progress. Be sure to take a closer look at the graphs and see when you have spikes in- traffic, etc. then take a look at what you did that day to cause the jump and... try and duplicate it on a regular basis to keep the progress going and the followers will come..."

  • To find your fan page(s) easily from your newsfeed page - is by clinking on the link (located on the left-hand side) called, "Ads and pages" here you can quickly go to your fan pages and also check your insights
  • When making a sale a good idea is to tweet it out to let your followers see what's in your store and to hash tag related words - ex: #zazzle #tshirt #photos, etc. Have fun tweeting it up!
  • When buying a domain name, always go for the .com first. It might not be an easy thing to do since most names are hard to get for they are taken. Make sure it's catchy and easily pronounced. Keep away from names that have more than one way of spelling them and leave out any hyphens or dots if possible! Make it memorable!
  • Do you use Google Analytics? Did you know by adding a "Static Fbml" tab (in applications) to your Facebook Fan Page and inserting the html code for Google Analytics, you can get an even more in-depth look at who is visiting your page. Do it up!

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